1. Reactions to the power point
I really liked the power point. The photographer used the rule of simplicity a lot and I really liked that.
2. What was your favorite photo? Describe it and tell me why its your favorite
My favorite photo was of an elephant drinking water. the photographer took the picture right in front of the elephang so it looked cool because it showed the water and the background was simple.
3. Look up the photographer –
a. What kind of camera did he use?
Pentax 67II
b. What is his reason for taking the photos?
He feels that wildlife in africa is decreasing so he wants to capture all of the wildlife to have a reminder
c. What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
That people will see his pictures and do something to change the poblem
d. Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
"As for Africa, I went there in 1995 to direct one of the videos they did for Michael Jackson. And I absolutely fell in love with the place. It was completely magic to me. I had to go back on holiday and that’s when I started taking my Pentax with me. I just realized there is a way of expressing my feelings without the need of somebody else’s money. Initially, it cost a lot. I had to direct stupid car commercials to pay for these expensive trips. I could never have taken these photos the normal way, like most wildlife photographers."
4. Find one of his photos that you really like and post it on your blog.
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